Simcity Deluxe 1
I have a special place in my heart for SimCity4,
and really the entire SimCity series. I've been playing it for eight
years on a pretty regular basis. That's why, after attempting to play
the travesty that is SimCity5, I knew I had to get online and try and
prevent anyone else from spending any money on it. PLEASE - Do not buy
this product.
If you're like me, and you just want to see what the next iteration of this iconic gaming series to judge for yourself, you're probably thinking to yourself "Yeah, but can it really be that bad?" Yes. I'm sorry. It's true. It may be one of the most anticipated games of the year, as advertised, but it is also one of the biggest letdowns of the DECADE.
Because here' the thing. You're not going to be able to play this game. As other reviews have indicated, you MUST be online to play. When you first launch the game you are asked to pick a server. In my experience, I had a choice between 3 servers in the US, or 3 servers somewhere on the other side of the globe. And the US ones were busy. So what the heck, I guess I'm connecting to Eastern Europe to play this game. I was assuming/hoping a lot of the processing would be happening on my machine, with only occasional trips to the server to sync with the live game. Nope - From the moment the title sequence starts playing, the video and sound are extremely choppy, and the cursor is extremely difficult to move, as presumably every time the machine cycles, it is pushing data back and forth to the Hague. My first thought is, my goodness EA, is this really the first impression you want someone to have of your game?
But hey, it's only the title sequence, right? Let me just get into the game, I just want to have the experience of putting up a few buildings before heading to bed. Read more
If you're like me, and you just want to see what the next iteration of this iconic gaming series to judge for yourself, you're probably thinking to yourself "Yeah, but can it really be that bad?" Yes. I'm sorry. It's true. It may be one of the most anticipated games of the year, as advertised, but it is also one of the biggest letdowns of the DECADE.
Because here' the thing. You're not going to be able to play this game. As other reviews have indicated, you MUST be online to play. When you first launch the game you are asked to pick a server. In my experience, I had a choice between 3 servers in the US, or 3 servers somewhere on the other side of the globe. And the US ones were busy. So what the heck, I guess I'm connecting to Eastern Europe to play this game. I was assuming/hoping a lot of the processing would be happening on my machine, with only occasional trips to the server to sync with the live game. Nope - From the moment the title sequence starts playing, the video and sound are extremely choppy, and the cursor is extremely difficult to move, as presumably every time the machine cycles, it is pushing data back and forth to the Hague. My first thought is, my goodness EA, is this really the first impression you want someone to have of your game?
But hey, it's only the title sequence, right? Let me just get into the game, I just want to have the experience of putting up a few buildings before heading to bed. Read more
Simcity Deluxe 1